Things I do well.

Brand Identity design

A brand is not just a logo. It’s a combination of experience your customer gets from using your product or service. With the right branding (which includes imagery and communication), you can differentiate your business from the pack and establish an amazing relationship with your audience. And I can help you with that.

Editorial design

This is a physical touchpoint for your brand from Brochures, to pamphlets, fliers and billboards. On average, consumers are exposed to a lot of advertisements everyday. Helping you cut through the noise to get a clear message across is my goal.

UI / UX Design

Successful digital products are not just beautiful or fancy. The needs of the user always comes first. Armed with the right tools to combine user experience with appealing aesthetics, you can be sure of elevating your business to the next level.

Commercial Print

I don't just work with clients to create awesome designs. I also collaborate with a team of professional printers to ensure the designs are brought to life in the best possible way.